Best Tips To Lose Weight Fast And Safely

Neutra Fit
4 min readMar 23, 2021


Weight Loss-Lose Weight Faster

If you are heavy and feel uncomfortable about your weight you need to learn how to lose weight when you want to. You need to practice. Losing weight is easy if you follow some basic tips.

5 tips on how to practice losing weight positively.

Set goals that are realistic and practical. Losing one pound of food takes a lot of energy. You need to either stop eating or exercising, right? Wrong, you need to eat more(better) foods and do less exercise.

Changing your way of looking at your ideal weight is to not repeat the same mistakes. The world is full of experts but has it helped you?

I never understood why I was never satisfied with my goal setting. It just didn’t go the way I planned it. It looks great at the beginning but I could never stay motivated.

My ego was always in the way and my appetite just never went away. I love to eat, and within the first couple of days I get discouraged and my mind seemed to be playing tricks on me. I just could not maintain concentration.

Losing weight must be fun. It needs to be easy and it needs to taste great. Impossible? No, it is not. Change your way of looking at the solutions, not the problem.

I can relate to your feelings right now. When I was overweight a few years back, I was so embarrassed each time I had to get undressed for a good swim. But thanks to my amazing weight loss program I got rid of my chubby tummy

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Go to bed 15 minutes earlier each night and get up 15 minutes earlier in the morning. The same amount of sleep but better quality sleep.

Never fall asleep without repeating your goal in your head as many times as you can. When you get up, do the same, repeat your goal as you are getting up and do this every day.

I will lose one pound this…, I will lose one pound this… and repeat night and day. It will become automatic after a while and make it fun. You are the boss.

Body Mind And Spiritual Balance is at play here. All three are important. When I realized this it became so easy for me that it even scared me. I thought I was losing it.

Taking control of your Body is finally a real possibility. I just could not believe it. It was as if something or someone was pushing me from the inside out.

I know this seems crazy but I really feel we all have this inside us. We do not need pills. We are “Who we Are” because we are all one. Never alone again.

Be positive about your ability to lose weight. Believe in yourself and let no one tell you “you can’t”.

Concentrate on yourself. Pay yourself the luxury of feeling great and project your positive attitude forward. People would tell me how great my attitude was. I was flattered at first but soon discovered that it was ok to be me “finally”.

Find a picture of the ideal you and keep it close to you always. Look at it as often as you can until the image is printed in your mind.

Here’s my recommended weight loss program

Image by Skica911 from Pixabay

Eat what you like and please do not exercise. Dieting involves eating foods you do not like and doing exercises. That is the problem.

You are not on a diet. Never again will you be “on” a diet. People will ask you every day if you are on a diet. You will become uncomfortable about that question. Always say” no” I am not. Do not let others or your mind tell you that you are on a diet, ever again.

Just smile and stay polite, people will notice your new-found positivity. Some will be jealous and others will respect you.

Do not exercise. I emphasize this. Just go about your daily activities with a sincere knowledge that you are losing the weight and people will notice and ask you how much exercise you are doing and how difficult it is. Serious, yes I am. You will begin to feel as if all the eyes are just on you. Let it happen. Spread joy and you will receive it right back. Simple? Yes, do it.

Losing weight starts in your mind. Tell your mind consciously to start losing weight and it will. Give it a picture and instruct your mind to get you there and it will. Tell your brain to help you choose the right foods to eat and it will.

Your mind is the key to helping you to lose weight. It is the “Centre Piece” that makes it all happen. Clarity of mind, clarity of Spirit.

Body Mind and Spirit are one. This is the mission you are on. Never repeat the mistakes of the past. Move forward and do not look back.

The world is becoming obese because we are doing it all wrong. Try these tips and see the new you.

Click Here To Lose Weight Fast

Written by

Pierre Trudel



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